Christopher Henry Smith

Writer, Independent Arts Administrator

Come in.  Click around.  Stay awhile.

look, a new website

What's happening now?  I'm making a new website, that's what's happening now.  This project has been tedious but has taught me three things:

  1. A strong choice in typesetting can make anyone look like a professional.
  2. Your friends who are good photographers are more important to have around than those who aren't.
  3. This sort of project makes you incredibly nostalgic.

Piecing this together has brought back a lot of positive memories from the past five years, and I'm struck with a feeling of gratitude.  For the lunatics who worked with EX-Pats, the beautiful and dedicated people at ChiArts, and everyone in between, I'm pretty lucky.

As I set out a little more on-my-own than usual, here's hoping the next five years are as much fun and as insightful as the past five.

Powered by Squarespace. Background photos by Chris Smith.